1. Get to the Screen Editor.
    1. If you are in Flowchart view, select the screen you want to edit and click on the pencil icon OR
    2. If you are in Screen Panel view, select the name of the screen to the left.



  1. If this is your first time editing that screen, a pop-up window will open with a variety of design templates for you to choose from. Scroll through the options, select one, and click Next.

    <aside> 🛠️ You will be able to to add, delete, move and resize the template elements! You can also “Skip” and start with a blank page.



You will be in a Screen Panel view where you can edit screen elements. To learn how to edit a particular element, go to one of the pages below.

Static Components

Text block, images, videos, popups, audio, iframes/webpages

Question Components

Multiple choice questions, text input, dropdowns, number input, sliders, multiline text inputs

Back to Main Menu or see Design and Style Tips

This is a living reference guide, and we want it to be as helpful as possible! Is there a question or an element that we should add/clarify? Do steps seem wrong or out of date? 📩 Please email Melanie ([email protected]) with your suggestions!