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Switching Between Views

There are two main views in Simple Author: Flowchart and Screen Panel.

Select a screen by clicking on its name in the top left.

The Flowchart focuses on how screens are connected and the Screen Panel focuses on editing one screen at a time.


Flowchart View

The main purpose of the Flowchart view is to see how all of the screens in a lesson are connected. This creates the flow of your lesson and creates opportunities for adaptive paths.

Flowchart view has four main areas: View Options, Left Panel, Header Menu, and Main Canvas.


View Options

The View Options toggles you between the two main views.


Main Canvas

The Main Canvas is where you can see how screens are connected.



Header Menu

The Header Menu allows you to pick a type of screen and add it to your lesson flow.

To add a screen, follow these steps.


Left Panel

The Left Panel lets you customize the connections among the screens in your lesson.

To make connections, visit Editing Screen Pathways.

Screen Panel View

The main purpose of the Screen Panel view is to edit individual screens, but you can also preview and make lesson-wide adjustments. Screen Panel view has five main areas: View Options, Left and Right Panels, Header Menu, and Main Canvas.


View Options

The View Options toggles you between the two main views.


Main Canvas

The Main Canvas is where you can edit your screen layout. You can…

<aside> ❗ The Main Canvas may not look exactly like how the learners will see it in the lesson. To preview what the learner will see, visit Previewing a Lesson.


Header Menu

The Header Menu allows you to undo, redo, add elements (components), preview, and see a scoring overview.


<aside> 👉 You can hover over any icon to see what it represents!


Text block, images, videos, popups, audio, iframes/webpages

  [Question Components](<https://etx-tech.notion.site/Question-Components-12162d4b1145813cab5bdf1d3b138d88>) 

Multiple choice questions, text input, dropdowns, number input, sliders, multiline text inputs

Left Panel

The Left Panel allows you to add a screen or pick a screen to view and edit.


Right Panel

The right panel lets you edit at three different levels: the lesson as a whole, the screen, and individual components.


Lesson Tab

Screen Tab

Component Tab